
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Softball and venipuncture

First of all: softball!  As part of our continuing efforts to get Andrew activities outside of the house, I organized a co-ed softball team for intramural sports.  We are called the fighting first years and the first game was a lot of fun!  I had to play in order for us to have enough boobs on the field.  And the field was incredibly muddy and the atmosphere was incredibly freezing.  And we lost.  But it was still a lot of fun!  And Andrew was extremely happy with life.  

Second of all: venipuncture!  Talen had his first blood donation today.  This was rushed because they ran out of blood over the weekend and desperately needed some more kitty blood.  He did fine and everyone at the clinic loves him.  But he looks like a total mess right now.  The entire ventral half of his neck is shaved and he has a nice mark from a needle over his jugular vein.  They lubed his eyes when he was anesthetized so he looks sort of owlish with spikey fur around his eyes.  I think they did some IV fluids in his medial saphenous vein because that is shaved too, bruised, and still bloody (they missed a spot when they were cleaning him up).  His eyes are all dilated from the drugs and he is very skittish but wanting to be all lovey too.  I am glad the blood draws are only every 3 months because he looks pretty rough.  I bet his hair will grow back just in time to get it all shaved off again!  Poor little mister....

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