
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the Mormons cometh

Well I just received a visitation! Two elders of the LDS church just knocked upon my door and I spent 20 minutes chatting with them. I don't like to turn people away, I figure if you have found a faith that fires you and fills you with passion and helps improve your life, that is fabulous and I don't want to make you feel like a social pariah because of that. We even joked about their nametags and little outfits and I recommended they lose the name tags at least if they want to try and move undercover at all. Then they admired Talen who was trying to make a break for it. Then they offered to come by and talk to me about the book of mormon etc etc and I declined that saying I like to explore on my own, told them my background as a Methodist and how my mom still works at the church etc etc. They asked for an example of my self study and so I got to throw in a book plug for "A Year of Living Biblically" which is a fabulous book and if we had kept going in that vein I would have broken out Lamb for them. I figure I can do my own plugs if they can! So they gave my a book of mormon for my own self study and we chatted a little more about animals and vet school. They didn't know that cat bites were super bad so I was like "Well, they lick their butt..." and told them that if they ever got a cat bite, especially on the hand, to get themselves to the doctor asap. So it was a sucessful conversation for everyone- they feel like they may have pushed me towards saving my soul a bit and I feel like I may have exposed them to a good book and perhaps, someday, save them the use of their hand after a cat attack! Possibly my contribution was more practical....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You changed the look of your blog, didn't you? It used to be orange, I thought and now it is all green-like. Verra nize!